Want to be a part of our physical and digital magazine? Submit your art & writing to:
Submission Guidelines
We’re so happy that you want to submit to Ampersand! There is no limit to how many things you can submit, but when emailing your submission to Ampersand, please follow the following guidelines. It makes our lives easier! If you don’t follow these guidelines, you may be asked to submit your work(s) again.
For Everyone
Everyone needs to submit some basic information along with their works:
Name or how they would like to be attributed (if you would like to remain anonymous, please state that here.)
Class Year
Title of work(s) (including if it’s “Untitled”)
If you are submitting more than one work in one email attachment, please make sure that it’s clear which work you are referring to.
If you currently do not have a title for your work but would like to title it later if selected, please let us know.
General Guidelines
Accepted formats:
Documents: .doc, .docx; Google Drive link, Box link
Photos: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .heic; Google Drive link, Box link
Naming files:
In general, please include your name in the file name: “NAME_Title”
For example: “JOHNDOE_Untitled”
If you’re submitting a link to a folder, please include your name in the folder name: “NAME_Category”
For example: “JOHNDOE_Poetry”
Submitting Poetry
For poetry, there is no limit to how many poems you can submit, so submit away!
Submit as a .doc, .docx, or email a Google Docs/Box link.
Do not submit as a PDF.
If you want to send a PDF to preserve formatting, please submit both the PDF and the .doc/.docx files.
If you are submitting more than one poem, you can choose to submit them in one document or you can submit each poem in a separate file.
If you are compiling all of your poetry into one document, please make sure the title of the poem appears before the said poem.
If you are submitting a compiled a document or a folder link, please save the document file name or the folder name as: “NAME_Poetry”
For example: “JOHNDOE_Poetry”
If you are submitting each poem as a separate file, please save each file name as: “NAME_Title”
For example: “ROBERTFROST_TheRoadNotTaken”
Submitting Prose
For prose, there is no word count, but depending on the length, we may only feature an excerpt of your story.
Submit as a .doc, .docx, or send a Google Docs/Box link.
Do not submit as a PDF.
If you want to send a PDF to preserve formatting, please submit both the PDF and the .doc/.docx files.
Please do not compile more than one story in one document. Each story should be a separate file.
When submitting, please save the document file name as: “NAME_Title”
For example: “FRANZKAFKA_TheMetamorphosis”
Submitting Photography
Submit as a .jpg, .jpeg., .png, or .heic.
If you have a lot of photos you want to submit, create a folder in Google Drive or Box, upload all of your photos in that folder, and email the link to that folder.
Do not submit multiple photos in a Word document file or Google Docs. This makes it difficult to download the images! If you want an easier way to submit a lot of photos, please refer to the above method (i.e. using a Google Drive or Box folder).
When submitting only a few photos (and not a link to a folder), please save each photo as: “NAME_Title”
For example: “DOROTHEALANGE_MigrantMother”
If the photos do not yet have a title, name your photo file: “NAME_Photo”
For example: “JOHNDOE_Photo” (and subsequently, “JOHNDOE_Photo2”, “JOHNDOE_Photo3”, etc.)
When submitting a Google Drive folder or Box folder link, please make sure the folder title is named: “NAME_Photo”
"For example: “JOHNDOE_Photo”
These rules apply to any kind of photo, including scans of your films, screenshots of your Instagram posts, photos of your paintings, photos of your sculptures, and/or screenshots of your text conversations.
Submitting Other Mediums
If you are submitting something that does not fit with one of these categories above, please just do your best to email us your work! If we need anything or something occurs, we will reply and let you know.
Again, be sure to have your name, class year, and title of the work(s) in your email.