One Hundred Words Spoken to a Stranger
by Lily Pareso ‘26
Wilted in the sun-touched grass, he sits. His posture dissolved as he melted into the pages that rested in his lap. Undisturbed by the elderly passing by or the youthful echo of a baseball against a leather glove. With his bike in disarray across the lawn, his shoes sporadic with the weeds, solemnly his vice returns him to the reality of the twenty-first century with the blue glow of a screen. In a shuffled motion he assembles his boots, book, and bike, leaving behind only his hollow shape in the grass- a temporary commemoration of undistracted time now the past.
“Finding Joy,” Irina Koleva ‘23
“Main Street,” Lilah Kimble ‘23
“Untitled,” McCoy Patterson ‘24
finding the robin’s egg
by Sarah Wagner ‘24
she, thinking it beautiful
cupped it in her earnest hands
entrusting it to
the wandering fingers of younger sister
and she, thinking it curious
closed her hands
blue bits biting into
the untouched skin of her palm
it, lying emptied out
broken and bewildered
found itself lost between
old and young